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Used machines

Here you will find our current selection of used wire processing machines. All machines are checked and serviced by us and are fully functional.

WDT SSC (used)

Several good conditions used SSC crimping machines.

The practical extension for the manual wire processing machine program!

SSC series, popular with our users for decades! It combines the highest quality standards, versatility of use and that with minimal space requirements.

Stripping-Box FE 400 (SOLD)

Electric stripping machine for strands from 0.05 - 2.5 mm².
Stripping length 1.5 to 10 mm.
Can be adjusted for any stripping length and cross-section. Partial removal possible.
Special models
stripping length 11,5 - 20 mm
for thin insulations.

Second hand Simplomat 30/ 1002

second hand Simplomat

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